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Initialize an instance of the DatabricksRM retriever class, which enables DSPy programs to query Databricks Mosaic AI Vector Search indexes for document retrieval.

    databricks_index_name: str,
    databricks_endpoint: Optional[str] = None,
    databricks_token: Optional[str] = None,
    columns: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    filters_json: Optional[str] = None,
    k: int = 3,
    docs_id_column_name: str = "id",
    text_column_name: str = "text",


  • databricks_index_name (str): The name of the Databricks Vector Search Index to query.
  • databricks_endpoint (Optional[str]): The URL of the Databricks Workspace containing the Vector Search Index. Defaults to the value of the DATABRICKS_HOST environment variable. If unspecified, the Databricks SDK is used to identify the endpoint based on the current environment.
  • databricks_token (Optional[str]): The Databricks Workspace authentication token to use when querying the Vector Search Index. Defaults to the value of the DATABRICKS_TOKEN environment variable. If unspecified, the Databricks SDK is used to identify the token based on the current environment.
  • columns (Optional[List[str]]): Extra column names to include in response, in addition to the document id and text columns specified by docs_id_column_name and text_column_name.
  • filters_json (Optional[str]): A JSON string specifying additional query filters. Example filters: {"id <": 5} selects records that have an id column value less than 5, and {"id >=": 5, "id <": 10} selects records that have an id column value greater than or equal to 5 and less than 10.
  • k (int): The number of documents to retrieve.
  • docs_id_column_name (str): The name of the column in the Databricks Vector Search Index containing document IDs.
  • text_column_name (str): The name of the column in the Databricks Vector Search Index containing document text to retrieve.


def forward(self, query: Union[str, List[float]], query_type: str = "ANN", filters_json: Optional[str] = None) -> dspy.Prediction:

Retrieve documents from a Databricks Mosaic AI Vector Search Index that are relevant to the specified query.


  • query (Union[str, List[float]]): The query text or numeric query vector for which to retrieve relevant documents.
  • query_type (str): The type of search query to perform against the Databricks Vector Search Index. Must be either 'ANN' (approximate nearest neighbor) or 'HYBRID' (hybrid search).
  • filters_json (Optional[str]): A JSON string specifying additional query filters. Example filters: {"id <": 5} selects records that have an id column value less than 5, and {"id >=": 5, "id <": 10} selects records that have an id column value greater than or equal to 5 and less than 10. If specified, this parameter overrides the filters_json parameter passed to the constructor.


  • dspy.Prediction: A dotdict containing retrieved documents. The schema is {'docs': List[str], 'doc_ids': List[Any], extra_columns: List[Dict[str, Any]]}. The docs entry contains the retrieved document content.


To retrieve documents using Databricks Mosaic AI Vector Search, you must create a Databricks Mosaic AI Vector Search Index first.

The following example code demonstrates how to set up a Databricks Mosaic AI Direct Access Vector Search Index and use the DatabricksRM DSPy retriever module to query the index. The example requires the databricks-vectorsearch Python library to be installed.

from databricks.vector_search.client import VectorSearchClient

# Create a Databricks Vector Search Endpoint
client = VectorSearchClient()

# Create a Databricks Direct Access Vector Search Index
index = client.create_direct_access_index(
      "id": "int",
      "field2": "str",
      "field3": "float",
      "text_vector": "array<float>"

# Create a DatabricksRM retriever and retrieve the top-3 most relevant documents from the
# Databricks Direct Access Vector Search Index corresponding to an example query
retriever = DatabricksRM(
    databricks_index_name = "your_index_name",
retrieved_results = DatabricksRM(query="Example query text", query_type="hybrid"))