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dspy.Evaluate(*, devset: List[dspy.Example], metric: Optional[Callable] = None, num_threads: int = 1, display_progress: bool = False, display_table: bool = False, max_errors: int = 5, return_all_scores: bool = False, return_outputs: bool = False, provide_traceback: bool = False, failure_score: float = 0.0, **kwargs)

DSPy Evaluate class.

This class is used to evaluate the performance of a DSPy program. Users need to provide a evaluation dataset and a metric function in order to use this class. This class supports parallel evaluation on the provided dataset.


Name Type Description Default
devset List[Example]

the evaluation dataset.

metric Callable

The metric function to use for evaluation.

num_threads int

The number of threads to use for parallel evaluation.

display_progress bool

Whether to display progress during evaluation.

display_table bool

Whether to display the evaluation results in a table.

max_errors int

The maximum number of errors to allow before stopping evaluation.

return_all_scores bool

Whether to return scores for every data record in devset.

return_outputs bool

Whether to return the dspy program's outputs for every data in devset.

provide_traceback bool

Whether to provide traceback information during evaluation.

failure_score float

The default score to use if evaluation fails due to an exception.

Source code in dspy/evaluate/
def __init__(
    devset: List["dspy.Example"],
    metric: Optional[Callable] = None,
    num_threads: int = 1,
    display_progress: bool = False,
    display_table: bool = False,
    max_errors: int = 5,
    return_all_scores: bool = False,
    return_outputs: bool = False,
    provide_traceback: bool = False,
    failure_score: float = 0.0,
        devset (List[dspy.Example]): the evaluation dataset.
        metric (Callable): The metric function to use for evaluation.
        num_threads (int): The number of threads to use for parallel evaluation.
        display_progress (bool): Whether to display progress during evaluation.
        display_table (bool): Whether to display the evaluation results in a table.
        max_errors (int): The maximum number of errors to allow before stopping evaluation.
        return_all_scores (bool): Whether to return scores for every data record in `devset`.
        return_outputs (bool): Whether to return the dspy program's outputs for every data in `devset`.
        provide_traceback (bool): Whether to provide traceback information during evaluation.
        failure_score (float): The default score to use if evaluation fails due to an exception.
    self.devset = devset
    self.metric = metric
    self.num_threads = num_threads
    self.display_progress = display_progress
    self.display_table = display_table
    self.max_errors = max_errors
    self.return_all_scores = return_all_scores
    self.return_outputs = return_outputs
    self.provide_traceback = provide_traceback
    self.failure_score = failure_score


__call__(program: dspy.Module, metric: Optional[Callable] = None, devset: Optional[List[dspy.Example]] = None, num_threads: Optional[int] = None, display_progress: Optional[bool] = None, display_table: Optional[bool] = None, return_all_scores: Optional[bool] = None, return_outputs: Optional[bool] = None)


Name Type Description Default
program Module

The DSPy program to evaluate.

metric Callable

The metric function to use for evaluation. if not provided, use self.metric.

devset List[Example]

the evaluation dataset. if not provided, use self.devset.

num_threads int

The number of threads to use for parallel evaluation. if not provided, use self.num_threads.

display_progress bool

Whether to display progress during evaluation. if not provided, use self.display_progress.

display_table bool

Whether to display the evaluation results in a table. if not provided, use self.display_table.

return_all_scores bool

Whether to return scores for every data record in devset. if not provided, use self.return_all_scores.

return_outputs bool

Whether to return the dspy program's outputs for every data in devset. if not provided, use self.return_outputs.



Type Description

The evaluation results are returned in different formats based on the flags:

  • Base return: A float percentage score (e.g., 67.30) representing overall performance
  • With return_all_scores=True: Returns (overall_score, individual_scores) where individual_scores is a list of float scores for each example in devset
  • With return_outputs=True: Returns (overall_score, result_triples) where result_triples is a list of (example, prediction, score) tuples for each example in devset
  • With both flags=True: Returns (overall_score, result_triples, individual_scores)
Source code in dspy/evaluate/
def __call__(
    program: "dspy.Module",
    metric: Optional[Callable] = None,
    devset: Optional[List["dspy.Example"]] = None,
    num_threads: Optional[int] = None,
    display_progress: Optional[bool] = None,
    display_table: Optional[bool] = None,
    return_all_scores: Optional[bool] = None,
    return_outputs: Optional[bool] = None,
        program (dspy.Module): The DSPy program to evaluate.
        metric (Callable): The metric function to use for evaluation. if not provided, use `self.metric`.
        devset (List[dspy.Example]): the evaluation dataset. if not provided, use `self.devset`.
        num_threads (int): The number of threads to use for parallel evaluation. if not provided, use
        display_progress (bool): Whether to display progress during evaluation. if not provided, use
        display_table (bool): Whether to display the evaluation results in a table. if not provided, use
        return_all_scores (bool): Whether to return scores for every data record in `devset`. if not provided,
            use `self.return_all_scores`.
        return_outputs (bool): Whether to return the dspy program's outputs for every data in `devset`. if not
            provided, use `self.return_outputs`.

        The evaluation results are returned in different formats based on the flags:

        - Base return: A float percentage score (e.g., 67.30) representing overall performance

        - With `return_all_scores=True`:
            Returns (overall_score, individual_scores) where individual_scores is a list of 
            float scores for each example in devset

        - With `return_outputs=True`:
            Returns (overall_score, result_triples) where result_triples is a list of 
            (example, prediction, score) tuples for each example in devset

        - With both flags=True:
            Returns (overall_score, result_triples, individual_scores)

    metric = metric if metric is not None else self.metric
    devset = devset if devset is not None else self.devset
    num_threads = num_threads if num_threads is not None else self.num_threads
    display_progress = display_progress if display_progress is not None else self.display_progress
    display_table = display_table if display_table is not None else self.display_table
    return_all_scores = return_all_scores if return_all_scores is not None else self.return_all_scores
    return_outputs = return_outputs if return_outputs is not None else self.return_outputs


    executor = ParallelExecutor(
        disable_progress_bar=not display_progress,

    def process_item(example):
        prediction = program(**example.inputs())
        score = metric(example, prediction)

        # Increment assert and suggest failures to program's attributes
        if hasattr(program, "_assert_failures"):
            program._assert_failures += dspy.settings.get("assert_failures")
        if hasattr(program, "_suggest_failures"):
            program._suggest_failures += dspy.settings.get("suggest_failures")

        return prediction, score

    results = executor.execute(process_item, devset)
    assert len(devset) == len(results)

    results = [((dspy.Prediction(), self.failure_score) if r is None else r) for r in results]
    results = [(example, prediction, score) for example, (prediction, score) in zip(devset, results)]
    ncorrect, ntotal = sum(score for *_, score in results), len(devset)"Average Metric: {ncorrect} / {ntotal} ({round(100 * ncorrect / ntotal, 1)}%)")

    def prediction_is_dictlike(prediction):
        # Downstream logic for displaying dictionary-like predictions depends solely on the predictions
        # having a method called `items()` for iterating through key/value pairs
        return hasattr(prediction, "items") and callable(getattr(prediction, "items"))

    data = [
            merge_dicts(example, prediction) | {"correct": score}
            if prediction_is_dictlike(prediction)
            else dict(example) | {"prediction": prediction, "correct": score}
        for example, prediction, score in results

    # Truncate every cell in the DataFrame (DataFrame.applymap was renamed to in Pandas 2.1.0)
    result_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    result_df = if hasattr(result_df, "map") else result_df.applymap(truncate_cell)

    # Rename the 'correct' column to the name of the metric object
    metric_name = metric.__name__ if isinstance(metric, types.FunctionType) else metric.__class__.__name__
    result_df = result_df.rename(columns={"correct": metric_name})

    if display_table:
        if isinstance(display_table, bool):
            df_to_display = result_df.copy()
            truncated_rows = 0
            df_to_display = result_df.head(display_table).copy()
            truncated_rows = len(result_df) - display_table

        df_to_display = stylize_metric_name(df_to_display, metric_name)


        if truncated_rows > 0:
            # Simplified message about the truncated rows
            message = f"""
            <div style='
                text-align: center;
                font-size: 16px;
                font-weight: bold;
                color: #555;
                margin: 10px 0;'>
                ... {truncated_rows} more rows not displayed ...

    if return_all_scores and return_outputs:
        return round(100 * ncorrect / ntotal, 2), results, [score for *_, score in results]
    if return_all_scores:
        return round(100 * ncorrect / ntotal, 2), [score for *_, score in results]
    if return_outputs:
        return round(100 * ncorrect / ntotal, 2), results

    return round(100 * ncorrect / ntotal, 2)