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dspy.streamify(program: Module, status_message_provider: Optional[StatusMessageProvider] = None) -> Callable[[Any, Any], Awaitable[Any]]

Wrap a DSPy program so that it streams its outputs incrementally, rather than returning them all at once. It also provides status messages to the user to indicate the progress of the program, and users can implement their own status message provider to customize the status messages and what module to generate status messages for.


Name Type Description Default
program Module

The DSPy program to wrap with streaming functionality.

status_message_provider Optional[StatusMessageProvider]

A custom status message generator to use instead of the default one. Users can implement their own status message generator to customize the status messages and what module to generate status messages for.



Type Description
Callable[[Any, Any], Awaitable[Any]]

A function that takes the same arguments as the original program, but returns an async generator that yields the program's outputs incrementally.


import asyncio
import dspy

# Create the program and wrap it with streaming functionality
program = dspy.streamify(dspy.Predict("q->a"))

# Use the program with streaming output
async def use_streaming():
    output = program(q="Why did a chicken cross the kitchen?")
    return_value = None
    async for value in output:
        if isinstance(value, dspy.Prediction):
            return_value = value
    return return_value

output =

Example with custom status message provider:

import asyncio
import dspy

class MyStatusMessageProvider(StatusMessageProvider):
    def module_start_status_message(self, instance, inputs):
        return f"Predicting..."

    def tool_end_status_message(self, outputs):
        return f"Tool calling finished with output: {outputs}!"

# Create the program and wrap it with streaming functionality
program = dspy.streamify(dspy.Predict("q->a"), status_message_provider=MyStatusMessageProvider())

# Use the program with streaming output
async def use_streaming():
    output = program(q="Why did a chicken cross the kitchen?")
    return_value = None
    async for value in output:
        if isinstance(value, dspy.Prediction):
            return_value = value
    return return_value

output =

Source code in dspy/utils/
def streamify(
    program: "Module",
    status_message_provider: Optional[StatusMessageProvider] = None,
) -> Callable[[Any, Any], Awaitable[Any]]:
    Wrap a DSPy program so that it streams its outputs incrementally, rather than returning them
    all at once. It also provides status messages to the user to indicate the progress of the program, and users
    can implement their own status message provider to customize the status messages and what module to generate
    status messages for.

        program: The DSPy program to wrap with streaming functionality.
        status_message_provider: A custom status message generator to use instead of the default one. Users can
            implement their own status message generator to customize the status messages and what module to generate
            status messages for.

        A function that takes the same arguments as the original program, but returns an async
            generator that yields the program's outputs incrementally.


    import asyncio
    import dspy

    # Create the program and wrap it with streaming functionality
    program = dspy.streamify(dspy.Predict("q->a"))

    # Use the program with streaming output
    async def use_streaming():
        output = program(q="Why did a chicken cross the kitchen?")
        return_value = None
        async for value in output:
            if isinstance(value, dspy.Prediction):
                return_value = value
        return return_value

    output =

    Example with custom status message provider:
    import asyncio
    import dspy

    class MyStatusMessageProvider(StatusMessageProvider):
        def module_start_status_message(self, instance, inputs):
            return f"Predicting..."

        def tool_end_status_message(self, outputs):
            return f"Tool calling finished with output: {outputs}!"

    # Create the program and wrap it with streaming functionality
    program = dspy.streamify(dspy.Predict("q->a"), status_message_provider=MyStatusMessageProvider())

    # Use the program with streaming output
    async def use_streaming():
        output = program(q="Why did a chicken cross the kitchen?")
        return_value = None
        async for value in output:
            if isinstance(value, dspy.Prediction):
                return_value = value
        return return_value

    output =
    if not iscoroutinefunction(program):
        program = asyncify(program)

    callbacks = settings.callbacks
    status_streaming_callback = StatusStreamingCallback(status_message_provider)
    if not any(isinstance(c, StatusStreamingCallback) for c in callbacks):

    async def generator(args, kwargs, stream: MemoryObjectSendStream):
        with settings.context(send_stream=stream, callbacks=callbacks):
            prediction = await program(*args, **kwargs)

        await stream.send(prediction)

    async def streamer(*args, **kwargs):
        send_stream, receive_stream = create_memory_object_stream(16)
        async with create_task_group() as tg, send_stream, receive_stream:
            tg.start_soon(generator, args, kwargs, send_stream)

            async for value in receive_stream:
                yield value
                if isinstance(value, Prediction):

    return streamer