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dspy.asyncify(program: Module) -> Callable[[Any, Any], Awaitable[Any]]

Wraps a DSPy program so that it can be called asynchronously. This is useful for running a program in parallel with another task (e.g., another DSPy program).

This implementation propagates the current thread's configuration context to the worker thread.


Name Type Description Default
program Module

The DSPy program to be wrapped for asynchronous execution.



Type Description
Callable[[Any, Any], Awaitable[Any]]

An async function: An async function that, when awaited, runs the program in a worker thread. The current thread's configuration context is inherited for each call.

Source code in dspy/utils/
def asyncify(program: "Module") -> Callable[[Any, Any], Awaitable[Any]]:
    Wraps a DSPy program so that it can be called asynchronously. This is useful for running a
    program in parallel with another task (e.g., another DSPy program).

    This implementation propagates the current thread's configuration context to the worker thread.

        program: The DSPy program to be wrapped for asynchronous execution.

        An async function: An async function that, when awaited, runs the program in a worker thread.
            The current thread's configuration context is inherited for each call.

    async def async_program(*args, **kwargs) -> Any:
        # Capture the current overrides at call-time.
        from dspy.dsp.utils.settings import thread_local_overrides

        parent_overrides = thread_local_overrides.overrides.copy()

        def wrapped_program(*a, **kw):
            from dspy.dsp.utils.settings import thread_local_overrides

            original_overrides = thread_local_overrides.overrides
            thread_local_overrides.overrides = parent_overrides.copy()
                return program(*a, **kw)
                thread_local_overrides.overrides = original_overrides

        # Create a fresh asyncified callable each time, ensuring the latest context is used.
        call_async = asyncer.asyncify(wrapped_program, abandon_on_cancel=True, limiter=get_limiter())
        return await call_async(*args, **kwargs)

    return async_program