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dspy.BestOfN(module: Module, N: int, reward_fn: Callable[[dict, Prediction], float], threshold: float, fail_count: Optional[int] = None)

Bases: Module

Runs a module up to N times with different temperatures and returns the best prediction out of N attempts or the first prediction that passes the threshold.


Name Type Description Default
module Module

The module to run.

N int

The number of times to run the module.

reward_fn Callable[[dict, Prediction], float]

The reward function which takes in the args passed to the module, the resulting prediction, and returns a scalar reward.

threshold float

The threshold for the reward function.

fail_count Optional[int]

The number of times the module can fail before raising an error. Defaults to N if not provided.

import dspy


# Define a QA module with chain of thought
qa = dspy.ChainOfThought("question -> answer")

# Define a reward function that checks for one-word answers
def one_word_answer(args, pred):
    return 1.0 if len(pred.answer.split()) == 1 else 0.0

# Create a refined module that tries up to 3 times
best_of_3 = dspy.BestOfN(module=qa, N=3, reward_fn=one_word_answer, threshold=1.0)

# Use the refined module
result = best_of_3(question="What is the capital of Belgium?").answer
# Returns: Brussels
Source code in dspy/predict/
def __init__(
    module: Module,
    N: int,
    reward_fn: Callable[[dict, Prediction], float],
    threshold: float,
    fail_count: Optional[int] = None,
    Runs a module up to `N` times with different temperatures and returns the best prediction
    out of `N` attempts or the first prediction that passes the `threshold`.

        module (Module): The module to run.
        N (int): The number of times to run the module.
        reward_fn (Callable[[dict, Prediction], float]): The reward function which takes in the args passed to the module, the resulting prediction, and returns a scalar reward.
        threshold (float): The threshold for the reward function.
        fail_count (Optional[int], optional): The number of times the module can fail before raising an error. Defaults to N if not provided.

        import dspy


        # Define a QA module with chain of thought
        qa = dspy.ChainOfThought("question -> answer")

        # Define a reward function that checks for one-word answers
        def one_word_answer(args, pred):
            return 1.0 if len(pred.answer.split()) == 1 else 0.0

        # Create a refined module that tries up to 3 times
        best_of_3 = dspy.BestOfN(module=qa, N=3, reward_fn=one_word_answer, threshold=1.0)

        # Use the refined module
        result = best_of_3(question="What is the capital of Belgium?").answer
        # Returns: Brussels
    self.module = module
    self.reward_fn = lambda *args: reward_fn(*args)  # to prevent this from becoming a parameter
    self.threshold = threshold
    self.N = N
    self.fail_count = fail_count or N  # default to N if fail_count is not provided



Source code in dspy/predict/
def forward(self, **kwargs):
    lm = self.module.get_lm() or dspy.settings.lm
    temps = [lm.kwargs["temperature"]] + [0.5 + i * (0.5 / self.N) for i in range(self.N)]
    temps = list(dict.fromkeys(temps))[: self.N]
    best_pred, best_trace, best_reward = None, None, -float("inf")

    for idx, t in enumerate(temps):
        lm_ = lm.copy(temperature=t)
        mod = self.module.deepcopy()

            with dspy.context(trace=[]):
                pred = mod(**kwargs)
                trace = dspy.settings.trace.copy()

                # NOTE: Not including the trace of reward_fn.
                reward = self.reward_fn(kwargs, pred)

            if reward > best_reward:
                best_reward, best_pred, best_trace = reward, pred, trace

            if reward >= self.threshold:

        except Exception as e:
            print(f"BestOfN: Attempt {idx + 1} failed with temperature {t}: {e}")
            if idx > self.fail_count:
                raise e
            self.fail_count -= 1

    if best_trace:
    return best_pred